TTCP s.r.o.
 Česky/Czech English/Anglicky

Software & Business Solutions  

TTCP s.r.o.
Dobřichov č.p. 14
289 11
Česká republika

Tel.: +420 603 764 684

Enterprise Application Integration

Do you have a variety of business applications and need their cooperation, data-sharing etc.? Do you want to save the time of your users, decrease data redundancy and reduce wrong data? We can analyse the present state and offer possible solutions. Then you can choose (with our assistance) the right solution for you (comparing financial, time and technological criteria).


We have a lot of experience at the CRM systems field, particularly with Siebel CRM. Our specialists participated on many projects in all their phases - analysis, development and migration to product environment. We helped several leading Czech companies to implement Siebel applications. We also participated in analysis and development of specific CRM systems made to measure our client's needs.

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